Mindful Mobile Massage
Jessica Cortes, LMT #MA94721



Mindful Mobile Massage is a self-owned, massage therapy business based out of Cocoa Beach, FL. We offer in-office or mobile massage to all of Central Florida. Our goal is to assist those who are in pain or would like to receive massage as a proactive form of care.  We offer a wide array of massage modalities and techniques in order to best serve each individual client. At our core, we aim to give professional, mindful, individualized care to each client and strive to give the best quality of life based on your individual needs.

We believe it is a necessity as a growing business to give back to our community, in addition to volunteering our time at various events throughout the year, we contribute 5% of all earnings to ocean conservation efforts. Thank you for helping us with this mission!

We currently accept payment by cash, check, or debit/credit card. *service fee of 2.6% for card processing